7 Reasons to Bring your Minis to Farmers Markets!

There are SO many wonderful farmers markets in QLD and taking your minis to your local ones can also be a fun outing and a fantastic learning experience! A visit to the local farmer’s market is not just an opportunity to support local growers or to buy fresh fruits & vegetables, but also much more!


7 Reasons to Bring your Minis to Farmers Markets

  1. Children get to learn about the seasons of produce.

    • Some children may still be too young to know the different seasons of fruits & vegetables but going to the markets will help them become aware of what is in and out of season. If multiple stalls are filled with mangoes, kids will start to become aware that it is mango season! If there are not many strawberries, then they will realise that it is not the right season for them yet.

  2. Farmers Markets are a great place for family bonding

    • With technology being so prevalent with children, it is important to take a timeout for outdoor family bonding. Farmers markets allow families to come together for a few hours and create great memories & experiences that children will remember. There is enough room for them to be silly, goof around and to exert some energy outdoors in the fresh air.

  3. Great place for their senses

    • Farmer’s Markets are a great place for your child to experience all their senses! They can see bright orange mangoes, yellow lemons, green capsicum, while they smell freshly baked bread, fresh mint, and bouquets of flowers. They can taste juicy oranges while listening to farmers talk about planting and picking the fruit they are enjoying. They can touch different varieties of kale while they cool off freshly squeezed juice. Their senses can come alive as they take it all in.

  4. Meet the Farmers behind the Produce

    • Farmers are very proud of their products so it is a great way for kids to meet the people behind the produce and ask them questions ( because we all know how much kids love asking questions!) You can help your kids thinks of some questions for the farmers like'- What made you want to become a farmer? What’s the hardest thing to grow? What’s the easiest thing to grow? What is your favourite fruit/vegetable. Doing this will allow the kids to form a connection to the farmers and next time you visit the market you can say hi to ‘Tony’ from the Strawberry stand or ‘Philip’ at the bananas stand.

  5. Farmers Markets teach children proper nutrition

    • Not only are farmers markets fun to walk around and see all the different beautiful colours of the produce, but children will also learn about each type of produce! It’s not just fun for the kids…it’s fun for the adults at the vendors who like to teach the children what kind of produce they have and why it’s good for you. Children will learn that they need these foods.

  6. Farmers Markets introduce your children to “imperfect” produce

    • Children become accustomed to perfectly shaped fruits and vegetables at the supermarkets. but it is important to show them that just because a farmers market banana may look different from a supermarket banana that they still taste the same on the inside. Farmers still sell their “imperfect” looking produce as that is what their crop produced & it is still tasty and edible! Showing your children this change the way they think about “weird” looking produce at the Farmers Markets.

  7. Farmers Markets show children that shopping can be fun

    • Lots of children usually dreed going shopping, but farmers markets allow children to be more involved because everything they can pick out is fresh and healthy! Seeing that they can pick out what they want and parents can be stress-free because they trust all the fresh produce!


Brisbane Markets


Gold Coast Markets